Libraries piloting sensory rooms as supportive spaces for neurodiverse students


Penn State Berks Thun Library offers a variety of tools to encourage positive sensory experiences in the library's Sensory Room. 


宾州大学公园. — For students who need a break from the cacophony of campus life, a growing number of 感觉空间 在世界各地 宾州州立大学图书馆 可以提供安静的舒适.

大学图书馆,作为 LibWell initiative, is currently piloting three sensory rooms, located within Penn State 伯克斯图恩图书馆宾州州立白兰地酒公司 Vairo图书馆,在 帕蒂图书馆 on the 大学公园 campus, to assist students with sensory impairments and neurodiversity.

“The Libraries is committed to advancing the success and well-being of our students, 这意味着思考我们的空间, 服务, 不同的资源和项目,丽贝卡·米勒·华尔兹说, 大学图书馆负责学习和参与的副院长. “These sensory rooms are a great example of re-envisioning spaces and prioritizing resources in a way that directly supports our students’ needs. We hope that this is just the first step of many that will ultimately lead us toward more inclusive, 欢迎和支持我们社区的空间.”


感官室使用专门的设备, furniture and lighting to generate a controlled sensory-focused environment that calms the nervous system, 增加安全感, 降低压力和焦虑. 也叫多感官环境, these spaces offer a form of accommodation that can help meet the needs of a growing population of neurodiverse students, 比如那些患有自闭症的人, 注意缺陷/多动障碍, 阅读障碍和创伤后应激障碍. 而每个房间都不一样, the goal is to create a sense of calm and relaxation through gentle sensory cues.

“There is a strong need for therapeutic spaces at colleges that can help students block out harmful sensory distractions and relieve the huge burden of anxiety many students bear,布雷特·斯宾塞说, bck体育官网伯克斯图恩图书馆的参考和指导馆员. “We want to make sensory-safe places that can help students maximize their wellness and learning.”


Current studies show that up to one in 20 students may be affected by sensory processing disorders or deal with particularly serious sensory problems that can interfere with their studies. 周围 39%的自闭症学生从大学毕业 相比之下,52%的学生是这样, and sensory issues are a contributing factor to lower graduation rates. Additionally, anxiety and depression has surged among college students, 包括bck体育官网的学生, 自COVID-19大流行开始以来, 这使得减轻他们的压力负担变得比以往任何时候都重要. 感官室可以帮助减少这些健康障碍 and offer a sense of belonging for students who often face prejudice and stigma.

“We know from new research and our campus disability coordinator that neurodivergent students are a growing part of our population, 我们觉得我们可以为这些学生改善我们的空间,特蕾莎·斯洛布斯基说, bck体育官网白兰地酒分校Vairo图书馆馆长.

Vairo图书馆的感官室, 位于图书馆后面一个安静的区域, 像旋转矮凳这样的家具是否充满了舒适感, 地垫和阿尔法蛋椅, 还有森林风格的可调光照明, 加重毛毯, 烦躁玩具和降噪耳机. 放松的工具, 谜题, coloring supplies and a tabletop Zen Garden round out the offerings designed to restore balance and comfort to neurodiverse visitors.

Slobuski said Vairo图书馆 is actively soliciting feedback from sensory room users to ascertain what additional tools or technology might be useful to add in the future. 图书馆计划每月至少提供一种新图书, 计划在2024年推出更多的治疗家具.

At Thun Library’s Sensory Room, windows open the space to the outdoors, creating a sense of calm. 房间里有一把Alpha Egg椅子, 佛董事会, 瑜伽用品, 泡沫辊, 混音器, 加重毛毯和烦躁工具. 气泡塔产生舒缓的白噪音和柔和的灯光, 全息图发生器提供视觉刺激. 学生可预约 这个房间可以用90分钟,还有一个 健康LibGuide 是为了配合使用而创建的吗.

斯宾塞说,有感官问题的学生可能会找到传统的椅子, 桌子和箱子要有限制, 但软, 地板座位,如豆袋, 落地椅和课桌, 合适的球座提供了更舒适的选择. Since many neurodivergent learners process sensory information more efficiently when they can fidget or rock on wobble stools or rocking chairs, Thun Library hopes to include more occupational therapist-recommended furniture in the future.

在大学公园, 学生可以在感官空间放松, 位于帕蒂图书馆的合作共享内. 房间的概念和装备完全是由学生在 Evanisko项目,多年 格兰特合作 between 大学图书馆 and the Department of Graphic Design to establish and highlight student work within the Libraries. Pattee图书馆的感官空间利用了彩色照明, 触觉谜题, 感觉贴纸, 瑜伽的道具, 加重毛毯和阿尔法蛋椅, purposefully chosen to provide a sense of relief using positive sensory experiences.


“Anyone who feels overwhelmed by the stressors of academic life is welcome here,斯洛布斯基说, who added that spaces like the Libraries’ sensory rooms demonstrate the 大学图书馆’ commitment to every student’s well-being.”

斯宾塞同意. “欢迎所有学生使用这个房间. Students who need sensory relief are especially encouraged to spend time here. Students who just need a break from the hustle and bustle of campus or a place to destress from an exam are welcome to visit the room. 这些空间与所有人交流 学生们在这里受到重视.”

“With a relatively small budget we were able to make huge improvements to better support our students, many of whom have reported that the Sensory Room is their new favorite location on campus,斯洛布斯基说. “This is the difference that a supportive space can make for our students.”

宾州州立大学图书馆感官室的bck体育官网, 包括询问空间住宿和预订, 在参与的校园地点提供:

要了解更多关于 大学图书馆学生健康基金, 联系格雷琴·利特尔, 校友及捐献人关系助理主任, 宾州州立大学图书馆, at (电子邮件保护)